Single & Fabulous

Jun 22, 2012

Gay & Greek?

The Divine Nine
What Is a Delta
What Is a Delta
A Delta is what a AKA ain’t
What A Zeta wanna be
What a Sigma cant
What a Alpha like
What a Kappa love
What Que Psi Phi can’t get enough of

As you can guess I am team Delta Sigma Theta (DST). No disrespect to any of the other Divine Nine Greeks, but I come from a long line of DST women and someday I plan on becoming a member of Delta Sigma Theta Incorporated.

My college did not have a chapter when I attended, and truth be told even if they did I would not have pledged because I have this thing (more like theory) about joining Greek organizations while one is matriculating – translation DON’T DO IT, that is unless you want your GPA and financial aid status to suffer because of it. Just saying. I always knew I wanted to be a DST lady. I love what they stand for, I love their community service and education focus, and I just love the sense of sophistication, dignity, and grace they bring. No organization is perfect, but I know DST is for me.

The closer I get to putting myself out there for membership the more I began to wonder if being a Lesbian would hinder me in anyway. I never thought about it before, although I have always been a Lesbian. Now I’m going to keep it real, we all know about DL males who are members of Greek organizations even though it’s not outwardly spoken about you know you know. I actually have to credit E. Lynn Harris’s book entitled Invisible Life for shedding the light on that aspect of life. Who knew?!?

So being curious I began to search around Google for answers to me question: Is being Gay in a Divine Nine Organization acceptable? I stumbled across a site called  where someone just as curious as I was about the topic proposed the same question on a thread. Now this thread is about 2 maybe 3 years old but the responses were interesting, but here is what I learned: You are not allowed to be questioned about your sexual orientation during the interview process, however if someone suspects (or knows) you are Gay or Lesbian they can use it as a basis (secretly) for not liking you and ultimately voting against you when it comes time to make the decision to accept or deny you.

The Black community is closed/narrow minded as it is. They allow the church to instill this fear and propagate a subliminal form of self-hatred against our own people that if it ain’t what the Preacher man said it should be then it’s all wrong – translation: You’re going to hell, regardless. I read some comments from people stating that homosexuals should join homosexual Greek organizations. So does that mean that the Divine Nine is a heterosexual organization? What about the Bisexuals? Don’t they need their own organization too? “I wouldn’t be comfortable with a homosexual being on line with me or working close with me or handling the same information.” So if you found out that your mail carrier was Gay or Lesbian would you then request that they discontinue serving your route because you don’t want them handling your mail?

Despite all of the shenanigans I am still going to join, but I am curious as to what others have to say about this. Do you think Gays and Lesbians should only be allowed to join Greek Organization specifically for those who are Gay or Lesbian? Would you/have you joined a Divine Nine organization? Why or why not?

Jun 2, 2012

Why Black Lesbians & I Just Don't Click When It Comes to Dating

Last year, one of my initial posts to this blog was about Interracial Dating. It covered a broad perspective on the topic, and I even shared one of my personal experiences. Let me say that I in no way, shape, or form have anything against African-American women. I love you all - Ummmm HELLO I am one of you – I think you are beautiful, sexy, sassy, strong, and did I mention sexy? BUT (Yes, there is a But) majority of you all just don’t get me, and when it comes to dating and relating majority of you like to adhere to these strict, outdated, gender roles which just do not sit well with me.
This is me: I’m very girly. Hair, makeup, shoes, accessories, if it’s Glam 9 times out of 10 I already own it. I like Old Navy, PZI Jeans, Uggs, Forever 21, American Eagle, H&M just to name a few. I’m well spoken, very articulate, some even say I talk like a White girl (I didn’t know a race had a specific way of speaking). I love to dine in the suburbs as opposed to your run of the mill hood establishment, and if I’m craving a night out on the town I prefer a few well known Gay/Lesbian spots in Center City versus hanging out at Roy’s Comfort Zone in the heart of North Philadelphia. When it comes to dating I prefer a fellow Feminine Lesbian.

And here is where our dilemma comes into play. Somewhere along the lines of Lesbianism within the African-American community someone ordained that we must continue to conform to the Butch/Stud-Femme style of dating and relating. Like it’s “unacceptable” for two Feminine women to date each other, or for two Butch/Stud women to date each other. And if you do step outside the proverbial box one of you must always assume a more dominant role. Uh really?!? I don’t think so! I refuse to conform to some crazy gender roles in my relationships. I want someone who is my partner, my equal, not someone who thinks there are only certain things I should be allowed to do because I am Feminine.

I’ve noticed that a lot of the predominately African-American web based fan pages and websites even play into this mentality. One I “Like” the other day posed two questions:

Studs, what can a Femme do to turn you on?

Femmes, what can a Stud do to turn you on?

F*cking really?!? What about Femme-Femme or Stud-Stud? Everyone does not conform to those pairing standards, yet it’s being propagated that the only kind of pairing that can exist is Butch/Stud-Femme. Is this the reason why all my long term relationships have been with White women? Yes and No. I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to date and have a relationship with a fellow African-American Feminine Lesbian. My problem is that majority of them like to fall into those Butch/Stud-Femme pairings and sorry Honey but I’m not about to Butch Up just so you will consider dating me. When I was in relationships with White women they loved and embraced OUR femininity. They don’t have such strict standards of pairings; they just let each other be. Now I’m not saying that one woman cannot be dominant because Bette Porter’s character on The L Word is the perfect definition of an Alpha Feminine Lesbian (by the way this is sooooooooooooo my type) in a relationship with another Feminine Lesbian. But one should not have to abandon their femininity or their Femme identity, or abandon their Butch/Stud identity just to conform to the “acceptable” standards of dating and relating within the African-American community.