Single & Fabulous

Dec 23, 2012

Goodbye 2012, Next Up 2013!

Out with the old, In with a New
As we prepare to bid farewell to 2012, I’ve been taking stock of the wonderful blessings that have been bestowed upon me. And early P.S. Uh what the f*ck was that whole Mayan calender, end of the world bullshit all about? Nevermind! Any…

I kicked off 2012 by being accepted to one of the best Nursing programs in the city on the spot during my interview. It was the greatest feeling in the world because it was that moment when the first day of my career as a Nurse began. I had spent my early 20’s buried and burned out in the realm of social services until I couldn’t take anymore. I needed to follow my dream and Nursing was it for me. Nursing School began in July and it has been not stop studying, 4AM wake up times to be on the hospital floor at 6:30AM, and dealing with patients, families, and classmates (some which you cannot stand, there’s always one in every group) on a daily basis. I am happy to say that I have become good friends with a select few of my classmates. These wonderful ladies keep me grounded and are my back when I need one. I was lucky of enough to make the Director’s List not one Term, but for TWO TERMS IN A ROW! And something I have never found myself being able to do (in an obviously heterosexual favored school setting) occurred – I opened up about being a Lesbian to my favorite Instructor and to a few classmates (them being the wonderful group of ladies). None of my other Instructors are aware, but the one whom I disclosed this information to was the perfect person to tell because we click and I feel safe with her.
Knowing who is really in your corner in the friendship department is always wise. I’m usually open to making new friends (and by usually I mean it’s a rare occasion. That’s the true Cancer in me!) but this year more than ever I have bonded with a few women who are more like family than they are friends. The club scene never appealed to me when I turned 21, mainly because I was so busy sneaking into the clubs when I was in high school. My friends are like me – older, wiser, and more low key. Our conversations are more on the level of careers, families, and the state of how ratchet these young women are today, and they occur over fine wine or a champagne brunch. We are the modern day Sex and the City. These women will be in my life for a very long time, and one of them will be the Godmother of my child. It’s through them that I learned that make shift families are the best family you could ever have. My friends have been my support system throughout my journey and they continue to be there and care. So called blood relatives, whom I have always been there for during their journeys, have yet to pick up the phone once just to see how school is going or just to see if I need anything. Not a phone call, not even a text message. Thank God for my friends. I truly appreciate them in every way.

From a health perspective I have come so far from where I was a year ago. As of today I have lost 45lbs and have completely toned my body. I love the energy I have, I love how my clothes look on me, and I love my diet. It was not easy at first but I rarely ever crave those foods that I cut out of my diet anymore. In fact those foods make me sick if I even try to entertain them. Now that’s real progress. My goal for 2013 is to lose another 10lbs and completely tone my arms and abs. Pole Dancing will take care of that for me.
So here’s to hoping that 2013 continues to bestow many wonderful blessings upon me in the realm of school, work, and even in the love. My only resolution is to JUST BE HAPPY!

Dec 9, 2012

One Night Only: HawthoRNe's Pole Dance Debut

“It takes a lot of guts to get out there on that stage and do what we do…”

Show Me What You Twerkin' Wit
And I did it! Those were the famous words of my Pole Master before we took the stage on December 7th for my first ever Pole Dance Recital.

As part of my fitness journey I have been (now) exclusively taking Fitness and Pole Dance classes at A Sensual You Pole Dance & Fitness Studio located in Philadelphia, PA. My journey with Pole Dance and my AMAZING POLE MASTER began during a Pole Party my friends and I hosted back in March 2012. We had such an interest and good time that we had to have two parties that month. And so my Pole Addiction kicked off.

I’m usually at the studio 3-4 days per week for Pole, Kickboxing, Yoga, and Tease classes. These classes keep my mind and body in shape. One day I’ll have to post some before ASY and with ASY photos just to show you how far I have come with their help in this journey.

The days and weeks leading up to the recital were hard work and intense. I decided to dance to three songs: “Diced Pineapples” by Rick Ross, “Suga Mama” by Beyoncé, and my signature, Alter Ego song “Darling Nikki” by Prince, and each song required some practice, a few routine sections, and free styling. “Diced Pineapples” was my intense Pole work routine, “Suga Mama” was fast, upbeat with Pole and Chair work, and “Darling Nikki” was a lot of sexual, sensual Floor work and one of my signature Pole moves – Fast Drop Plank!

My costumes were on point for my songs as well. Being that I surrendered the extensions back in July I purchased a Lace Front Wig with super long curly tresses. One thing I learned about Pole Dancing is that Hair is a major routine accessory so there is no doubt that I was whipping it, stroking it, and playing it up. I shall rock one for my next Pole Dance Recital.

Yes that’s right, there will be another Pole Dance Recital (First Quarter of 2013, look out for dates!) and I plan on performing. I’m already getting some song ideas and routines in my head. One song in particular I want to dance to is “Secret” by Maroon 5. That song is PURE SEX! Pole Dancing has truly changed my life. My confidence level is through the roof, I feel sexy, I walk sexy, hell I even talk sexy and I owe it all to my Pole Master Instructors of ASY. Barbara and Mary truly know how to transform the “everyday woman” into a sensual Vixen.
Wanna feel sexy? Always wanted to try Pole Dancing? Looking for a life changing experience? If you’re in the Philly, New Jersey, Delaware, hell even New York area please drop by A Sensual You and change your life. Fair Warning: YOU WILL BECOME ADDICTED TO THE POLE.

Here’s an idea of what goes on at a Pole Dance Recital:

Dec 2, 2012

The Mommy Blues

Fashion Forward Member of The Hot Moms Club
I’ve got the Blues. No, not those kind of sappy, feeling bad for myself because it’s the holiday season kind of blues. I’ve got the Baby Fever Want To Be A Mommy kind of blues.
I have always wanted to be a Mother; it’s the one thing I will never compromise on in a relationship. So therefore I have adopted the motto that whether I have a partner or not I am going to be a Mother.

The idea of Single Motherhood – although terrifying to others – never scared me. I’ve weighed the options, taken inventory of my future, and I am solid in my thinking and planning surrounding this journey in my life. My Mother is my best support system and my friends will play an active role in being the community/village that helps raise my child. Childcare, School, and extracurricular activities require a trust fund account of their own, but I am going into a profession that will allow me to provide those things on my own without the need for a partner. Not to mention that I will be relocating to an area where the Nursing jobs and chances for advancement are plenty and the cost of living is far better than Philly.
So what does my little Diva look like? Notice how I said Diva not Leading Man. I prefer a Girl; I want to raise a beautiful, strong, intelligent woman who will contribute good things to this world. Now that does not mean that I will shun a son because trust me he will be the epitome of the word GENTLEMAN and also contribute good things to this world (unlike the rest of the men of color in this society). But regardless of the sex, my child will be half Asian. When contemplating a donor I never once considered an African-American…my choices have always been one of the European descents, Israeli, or Asian. Over the years I have fallen more towards having an Asian donor. I admire their culture, their values about education and family mirror mine, and let’s admit it BLASIAN (Black & Asian) babies are just f*cking adorable! Hello Tae Heckard, Kimora Lee Simmons, Tyson Beckford, Kelis, Chanel Iman, Amerie.

No doubt being a member of the Hot Moms Club is high on my list. Keeping in shape is already a priority for me. I look good and feel even better. I don’t plan on ever letting myself go as so many women seem to do post child birth and even after settling down. That is a huge no-no in my book. I’ll be that Mom who is rocking skinny jeans and stilettos to my kid’s soccer game, the Mom with the banging body who bakes the most exquisite cupcakes for the PTA meetings, the Mom everyone’s (married) Dad drools over but Oh no, sorry Boys I’m more interested in your Wives.
Motherhood is going to be a delight for me. No doubt there will be sleepless nights, empty wine bottles, and days where I’ll say “What the f*ck was I thinking” but still a true delight.