Single & Fabulous

Apr 18, 2013

No More Gettin' It, I'm Not Feeling It: Bad Sex

Two blog post in one week! To what do you owe the pleasure? A compelling need to vent a little about bad sex experiences. Now I’ve already shared with you about the best I’ve ever had and I promised to divulge about the worst I’ve ever had. So here it goes…

I love sex and believe life is too short for bad sex. I have no issues communicating my wants and needs openly and always do without hesitation. One of the reasons why I have a strong preference for women in the 35-45 age range is because when it comes to the bedroom majority of them know how to throw down. They know that foreplay begins well before the bedroom and that one good climax deserves more. I honestly cannot complain about these women so kudos to you and keep doing what you’re doing because you do it oh so well.
I’ve only had two bad sexual experiences and no I will not give either woman the opportunity to reprieve themselves. As Samantha Jones would say “Fuck me badly once, shame on you, fuck me badly twice shame on me.”

Case #1: Good foreplay, bad performance. It’s like the buildup only to be let down. There was just too much going on, too fast, and at the wrong times. Whoa chick! I’m gonna need you to slow it down and focus. I called this ADHD Fucking.
Case #2: No foreplay, bad performance, inappropriate timing use of toys. I was just not feeling it at all. And when I thought it would get better and just maybe I can get myself to orgasm it got worse and at that point I just smiled and said “I’m done here.”

FYI: If a woman you just had sex with rolls over to make a call, send a text message, or just gets up nonchalantly to go find other ways to entertain herself, then you have failed to satisfy her sexually.
Sexual compatibility cannot be taught, it cannot be faked, you either have it or you don’t. As for bad sex, as Beyoncé says “I’m not feeling it!”

"Kitty Kat" by Beyonce

Apr 14, 2013

Atlanta vs. Houston: Where Should I Live?!?

As the end of my first year of Nursing School draws near, my future has increasingly been on my mind. One thing that has been a constant thought is where I want to relocate to next year. When I began my journey two years ago I knew I wanted to move to Atlanta. I looked up all the information I could on the suburbs, hospitals, and Lesbian life in general. My heart was set on residing in Marietta or Kennesaw, purchasing my first home because real estate is such a steal down there, and just kicking off my career and business in the Nursing field. Since becoming a Mother is a high priority on my list, I also looked at private schools and even Hebrew Day Schools too (that’s a discussion for another post).

My mind was definitely hardcore set on running from PA to GA…but then I started to open my mind to other states and even possibilities. I composed a list of places I’d consider living and raising a child in – Houston, Arlington, Silver Spring, Kansas City, even Nevada – and right after Atlanta, Houston is #2 on the list. Now I have yet to explore Houston even though I have family who reside in the state of Texas, but from what I have read and heard about the area, real estate, private school systems, and Lesbian life it’s definitely a place I need to explore and very soon. One thing I know for sure is that Houston has far more CRNA programs than Atlanta (they have one in the entire state of GA where TX has plenty).

I’m planning a trip to Houston for the summer and even to Atlanta so I have a more immediate basis for comparison. This discussion definitely warrants a Part Deux…
Where would you live? Have you explored Atlanta or Houston?