Single & Fabulous

Feb 19, 2014

Contact Me

Earlier today a friend of mine who reads my blog asked me a question: “How do your readers get in contact with you?” My response was that I have a comments section beneath each blog and if folks want to ask me questions or leave their opinions they are more than welcome to do so.

My Friend: But what if someone doesn’t want to send you a public message? Shouldn’t you have a way for them to asks questions or make suggestions without it being out in the open?

Hmmm…she’s correct! So here it is, an email address dedicated strictly to my readers

 Questions? Advice? Suggestions? Leave them here:
This contact info will also be listed in my profile section as well

Feb 17, 2014

My Funny Valentine Weekend

Valentines Day hit the scene on Friday after the east coast was slammed with a heavy dose of snow. Couple that with being single and having your plans change made this Valentines Day weekend more interesting than not. 

Normally, I venture to DC for the annual Valentines Day Punany Poets performance at The Crucible (if you’ve never heard of them or seen them perform I highly suggest you check them out) but the snow ruined that overnight trip idea so one of my good friends and I decided to spend Valentines Day at one of the bars in the Gayborhood. Like me, my friend is a weather whimp so she asked me to reschedule for another day. I told her we’d catch up at my martini soiree this weekend because I was determined not to spend Valentines Day at home. 

My game plan was to grab a bite to eat at Fridays and then head to the movies to see About Last Night (which I still haven’t seen, I’ll tell you why in a minute). One of my cousins decided to join me as she too was single and without plans for Valentines Day. We sat at the bar where there were other singles out celebrating the holiday and preparing to see the movie, mixing, mingling, laughing, eating, drinking. Five Captian Morgan Rum Punch’s later we were still at the bar and had missed the start time for the movie. Oh well, I can always see it one night during the week when I’m bored.

Saturday I worked 12.5 hours in the emergency department. I’m learning how the holiday operate in hospitals, especially the emergency department. I walked into the main hub to trays of cookies, candy, and all things red. Little “love notes” in our mailboxes from the Attending Physicians and conversations about how hectic it was the night before. There’s a high possibility that I’ll be working on Valentines Days so at least I know what to expect
And to wind down my weekend I had Sunday brunch with a group of friends at Adelphia Restaurant in Deptford, NJ. I loved it and the bellinis were flowing like water – just the way I like them. We’ll be going back for sure for brunch and an awesome happy hour on Fridays.
My Valentines Day weekend didn’t suck afterall. 

Up next (the topic you really want me to cover) the chronicles of my juggling act, otherwise known as dating life…

Feb 8, 2014

Hello 2014

Happy New Year Loves! I’ve been MIA but with good reason. 2014 started off with a mass of technological issues and a massive load of school responsibilities which prevented me from blogging the entire month of January. 

First, my cellphone started acting up. Now mind you it’s time for me upgrade to a newer version of the Samsung Galaxy but between my chargers breaking down (for reasons still unknown to me as they cost me a pretty penny) and my phone shutting itself off whenever it felt like it (another mystery to me as there is absolutely nothing wrong with my phone, it was confirmed by 3 tech guys who know their shit! Ugh!). Three days later, all my cellphone issues are resolved. Cool, I can move on with my crazy, hectic life, right? WRONG! Ugh!!!!

One day while I was working on my clinical paperwork for school my Samsung Ultrabook power cord stopped working i.e. it wouldn’t charge my battery. I had to shutdown my laptop to preserve what little energy my battery had left (of course it drained anyway over the next week) and go on a manhunt for a new power cord. I went to Best Buy, Walmart, Radio Shack, even Target (whom I am avoiding the same way I avoid Jury Duty – like the plague!) and guess what? None of them carry universal power cords that fit my laptop. F*ck My Life!!!!! So I had to go on Amazon and order the right power cord for my laptop…and wait 3-5 days for it to arrive. 

Day 5 my power cord arrives (Yay!!!!!) and of course I have a ton of school work to catch up on at this point so I’m back on my typing grind when I decide to take a break for dinner. I have a mini girl talk session with my Mother while I eat dinner then get my second wind and get back on my typing grind…when my laptop restarts itself (WTF?!?). I’m thinking maybe I forgot to do an update so I don’t freak out…until it says Boot Manager Missing! F*ck!!!!!!! Now I know enough about computers to know to attempt a recovery but it didn’t work. It was time to get a higher level of technical help. I went to a computer pro who told me what I thought – the hard drive is bad and pretty much dead. I agreed to the repair, the price was right, and was promised my laptop in 4 business days (even better). 

The day before my laptop was supposed to be ready I called the computer pro to check on the status of my repair and arrange pick up time. I was informed that the hard drive was delayed and they could not track it so they had no idea when they could begin repair. I asked when I could come retrieve my laptop so that I could have another company complete the repair. Another person gets on the phone and says he was able to track it and it will be in tomorrow and I could pick up my laptop the following day. I gave them a little benefit and told them I’d be calling at 2:00 PM the day it comes in so I can arrange pick up time. Due date arrives, I call and still no hard drive. At this point I’m done so I tell them I’ll be there to retrieve my laptop at 2:00 PM. The guy starts yelling at me, telling me I’m unreasonable and they’re a small business. Ummmm not my problem, give me my property and lets be done with each other. I finally took my laptop to a computer shop in Philly and it was repaired in 3 days, No issues, no hassles, no run around, and better price. 

In the midst of all of this my Obstetrics rotation kicked off so it’s more test, new content, new techniques. I have to admit I love OB. I’m considering it as a specialty area. I passed all my exams and next up is Pediatrics. Not something I am looking for to as I am not good with strangers kids…or parents with a screwed up sense of entitlement. Shoot me now!
As you can see 2014 didn’t start off according to plan but I’ve been decorating my home, going on dates, and just putting things in order for my future. I’ll blog about all that soon.
What have you been up to since the new year kicked off?