Normally, I venture to DC for the annual Valentines
Day Punany Poets performance at The Crucible (if you’ve never heard of them or
seen them perform I highly suggest you check them out) but the snow ruined that
overnight trip idea so one of my good friends and I decided to spend Valentines
Day at one of the bars in the Gayborhood. Like me, my friend is a weather whimp
so she asked me to reschedule for another day. I told her we’d catch up at my
martini soiree this weekend because I was determined not to spend Valentines
Day at home.
My game plan was to grab a bite to eat at Fridays
and then head to the movies to see About Last Night (which I still haven’t
seen, I’ll tell you why in a minute). One of my cousins decided to join me as
she too was single and without plans for Valentines Day. We sat at the bar
where there were other singles out celebrating the holiday and preparing to see
the movie, mixing, mingling, laughing, eating, drinking. Five Captian Morgan
Rum Punch’s later we were still at the bar and had missed the start time for
the movie. Oh well, I can always see it one night during the week when I’m
Saturday I worked 12.5 hours in the emergency
department. I’m learning how the holiday operate in hospitals, especially the
emergency department. I walked into the main hub to trays of cookies, candy,
and all things red. Little “love notes” in our mailboxes from the Attending
Physicians and conversations about how hectic it was the night before. There’s
a high possibility that I’ll be working on Valentines Days so at least I know
what to expect
And to wind down my weekend I had Sunday brunch with
a group of friends at Adelphia Restaurant in Deptford, NJ. I loved it and the
bellinis were flowing like water – just the way I like them. We’ll be going
back for sure for brunch and an awesome happy hour on Fridays.
My Valentines Day weekend didn’t suck afterall.
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